Highlights - Federer Dartmouth address

Highlights from Federer's commencement address at Dartmouth

1. Effortless is a myth

2. Self-belief has to be earned

3. You need a whole arsenal of strengths, if one of them breaks down you have the other left.

4. If you win not only when you are at your best, but also when you aren't - those are moments you can be proud of.

5. Talent: most of the time it is not about having a gift, it is about having grit.

6. In tennis like in life, discipline is also a talent, and so is patience, trusting yourself is a talent, embracing the process, loving the process is a talent, managing your life, managing yourself these can be talents too. Some people are born with them, everybody has to work at them

7. When you lose every second point on an average, you learn not to dwell on every shot

8. When you are playing a point it has to be the most important thing in the world that it is, but when it is behind you it is behind you.

9. Negative energy is wasted energy, you want to become a master at overcoming hard moments, that is to me a sign of a champion.

10. Life is bigger than the court

11. Tennis could show me the world, but tennis could never be the world

12. I was not ready for anything other than tennis, but sometimes you got to take a chance and then figure it out.

13. Philanthropy can also means contributing your ideas and time to a mission larger than yourself

14. Tennis like life, is a team sport
